The Leader in the Integration of Naqli and Aqli Knowledge USIM provides a novel approach to providing a more comprehensive understanding of the global challenge by basing its curriculum on the Quran and Sunnah. Pioneering Islamic Science US I M t ak es p r i de i n reviving the scientific and technological feats of Muslim scholars in the past and moving it forward. Technologising al-Quran and Sunnah The only university offering d e g r e e p r o g r amme s for Quranic Studies with Multimedia and Sunnah Studies with Information Management to prepare our graduates for the challenges of the future. Islamic Education for Special Education Needs USIM champions the plight of the disabled to ensure that they are instilled with Islamic knowledge and practice through an integrated and holistic approach. Developing Holistic, Entrepreneurial and Balanced Students USIM is the first local university that develops and implements its own instrument to measure holistic students through GIINA (Graduan of Intergration Ilmu Naqli and Aqli) in an effort to contribute to the nation as Muslim professionals Promoting a Balanced Approach to Healing Medical and dentistry in USIM is based on the framework of the Islamic ideological worldview for the pursuit of both rational medical and dental studies as well as the Islamic medical and dental philosophy. Why should you be part of USIM 1 2 3 4 5 6 3