What is the method of payment for the incentive under U-Guest?

The incentive will be paid in two stages -RM500.00 for the first semester and RM500.00 for the second semester for International Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.If a student registers in the first semester but does not register in the second semester or withdraws from his studies, USIM will not pay the incentive for the second semester.

What is the method of payment for the incentive under U-Guest?2021-04-12T05:22:38+00:00

Who are the prospective students that can be brought in through U-GUEST scheme?

Prospective students brought in must be new international students only, who have never studied in USIM. They should also have a strong financial ability for the payment of tuition fees, student pass fees and other payments related to their admission to study in USIM.

Who are the prospective students that can be brought in through U-GUEST scheme?2021-04-13T01:43:37+00:00

Who is eligible to participate in the U-Guest scheme?

The U-Guest Scheme is eligible for the following three categories as follows: USIM Staff – full time USIM Academic Staff and Administrative Staff with Permanent, Contract or Part-time status, EXCEPT those working at the Centre for Marketing & Student Admission (PPKP). USIM Current Students – Local and international USIM students with “Active” status who are [...]

Who is eligible to participate in the U-Guest scheme?2021-04-12T05:23:51+00:00